Corona infected person was also found in Belbari.

  Lakshmi Marg. For the first time in Belbari, a man has been found infected with corona virus (Covid 19). A 22-year-old man was found to be infected with corona of Belbari ward no.5.
   According to the Belbari Health Branch, the youth, who had returned home from Delhi, India, was placed in the Belbari quarantine on Asad 9. The swabs of 18 people were collected from Belbari and sent to the State Public Health Laboratory, Biratnagar on Asad 17.
    According to the Health Branch of Belbari Municipality, 17 people reported negative and one person reported positive in the PCR test. At present, there are 50 people in the quarantine of Belbari.
     According to Santosh Bishwakarma, chief of the health department, 99 people have returned home from Belbari quarantine and one person has contracted corona infection. Deputy Chief of Belbari Municipality Dhaka Kumari Parajuli has urged the people of Belbari to be more careful.
     Source: blast khabar

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