meeting between Indian and Chinese military officials ended without a conclusion.

Tuesday's meeting between Indian and Chinese military officials ended without a conclusion.

On June 15, 20 Indian soldiers were killed in a clash between the two countries' troops in the Galwan Valley in eastern Ladakh.

This is the third meeting at the military level since then. The military commanders of the two countries held a day-long meeting on Tuesday at Chusul on the Indian side of the Line of Control (LoC).

They discussed the ways to reduce border tensions.

However, Indian media quoted government sources as saying that they had not reached an agreement.

In recent times, both countries have significantly increased the number of troops and weapons deployed along the border.

As tensions continue, India has banned 59 Chinese apps, including tiktok.

It is said that there is a possibility of some more round of talks between the armies of the two countries. 

- Agency

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