To download apps , needs govt. permission now.

Kathmandu. The Development and Technology Committee under the House of Representatives of the Federal Legislature-Parliament has directed the government to curb apps and social media.

The committee meeting held on Friday directed the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology to make arrangements for downloading the app only with the permission of the government.
The directive issued by the committee in the name of the government says that the app and social media used in Nepal should be downloaded or used only after the regulatory body confirms that it is suitable in terms of security, privacy and usefulness.
Similarly, instructions have been given to make mandatory security audit of government websites and information technology service providers and to make necessary arrangements for government domain names being registered by the private sector.
The committee said that government letters, documents, information and data are being misused in an unauthorized manner and necessary arrangements should be made to use it only from government official emails and websites.
The directive further states, "The Committee directs the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of Nepal to make arrangements for the responsible officials of all the bodies of the Government of Nepal to formulate and implement necessary programs for the use of electronic communication tools and awareness about it."
The committee has also directed the government to effectively implement the program of providing high speed broadband internet service in all local level ward offices, health institutions and secondary level community schools.

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